Friday, June 11, 2010

Who am I??

Yeppers, that is me; crazed and held to a dare by my 10 yo daughter, Kimmie. I'm a mom of 4, who well.. acts just as much like a child as they do. Now I am not saying I throw temper tantrums and throw my diaper when I get mad. LOL! Im just saying that my imagination is as vivid as it was 30 years ago. Im not afraid to get dirty nor am I afraid to stand up for what I think is right. Afterall, thats what a mom does best, right?

Here's my crew. This was taken last year and looking back at this I have noticed how much this year has made a difference. These guys right here are my life; what I wake up for and what I go to bed dreaming about. Now sometimes that might mean dreaming about a Hannah Monster wreaking havoc on the city because she doesn't want to pee in the potty. However, most of the time its joyous. There is nothing better than waking up to snickering when there are little ones at the end of the bed, just waiting for you to tickle them.

1 comment:

Sugar Dimples said...

Love your blog, thank you for letting me take a peek into your world =]